EugeniaLo's Blog

my arms are not mine...

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I went indoor sport climbing with my friend Diana and her fiance, Ar Cheung last Friday. The sport involves techniques and strength. I think I have non of them. I got extremely tired after a few trials.

The Sprot Climbing Center is in a factory building in Kwun Tong. The ceiling is not very high, I think it's only 12 feet something. That's why we are not climbing up, but to climb horizontally like a crab bare hands.

This is not easy I must say. Actually indoor sport climbing is not easy for beginners because the skill it requires is against human babitual nature. Fisrtly, we all have an intention to climb up when we are climbing walls. I almost hit the ceiling for a dozen times. Secondly, the sport is mainly about the cooperation of the four limbs. The legs hold the body, the hands grap hold of a new rock and netvigate the body to move on. However, I always used my arms to hold my body, and got exhausted very fast. Ar Cheung said it was human instinct to use the arms for last mintue struggle, but I found myself very dumb. Maybe I should try harder next time.

There are many professionals practicing in the Center. Some of them even represent Hong Kong to play international games. Imagine those professionals can climb easily up-side-down the ceiling as if they are not bounded by gravity. They climbed beautifully like dancers on the rock. Ar Cheung is the best among them, everyone in the Centre respects him.

Sport climbing is really fun, but my arms are so painful the next week. How weak I am.

For those who are interested, please the webpage of GoNature .

2 Responses to “my arms are not mine...”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 


    I saw ppl climb rocks before too...

    it looks fun... but after you describe it, hhe I will never try it.

  2. Blogger diana 


    雖然我不是股東,也很多謝你對go nature的宣傳。否則就少了一個「爬牆」。

    你說到ah cheung 好像大佬那樣,其實他在那班高手當中,只是一般。





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  • I'm EugeniaLo 羅宇正
  • From Hong Kong, Hong Kong
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