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當我還是籃球員時,1.公牛王朝還未完結,MJ一場可得五十分;2.華英的籃球場是還是混凝土鋪的,摔倒時立即皮破血流;3.《Slam Dunk》還在連載;4.我還很年青,臉很肥。
hahahai dunno. but i hate sport...dunno why I got some medals in tracks... I still keep them in display =pC. Tsui was trying ask me to go to swimming team, but I rejected her -panyways... how come i never play bb with you before? (i suck anyways.)
when i was playing basketball, chicago bulls was always winning and i was chasing Slam Dunk too!!!!!!blackie
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i dunno. but i hate sport...
dunno why I got some medals in tracks... I still keep them in display =p
C. Tsui was trying ask me to go to swimming team, but I rejected her -p
anyways... how come i never play bb with you before? (i suck anyways.)
when i was playing basketball, chicago bulls was always winning and i was chasing Slam Dunk too!!!!!!